Global Worship vs. Global Terrorism
What is it going to take to overcome global terrorism?
Governments have tried to stop global terrorism. . .but they have failed. Humanistic thinkers have tried to suggest that better treatment of people would make the difference. . . and they have failed. What will stop global terrorism? Nothing that man can produce.
Global Terrorism is not simply one people groups hatred against anothers. It is a demonically empowered hatred. A hatred that doesn't merely draw on human strife, but feeds on human souls. This is bigger than an ideology it is another front in the battle for the human being. Hate is as old as creation. This twist of pride and malice finds its spring in the very person of Lucifer, who "hated" God and said he would exalt himself above God.
This prince of darkness is far superior to any human might or mind and he works his dark powers into the souls of men and women. Once the suicidal and homicidal thoughts have found their way into these vessels there is no
secular or religious machination that can entangle these willing victims.
BUT GOD. . .This false worship, wrapped in hatred and violence is not the only power on the earth. All hope is not lost. In fact it never was. There is a divine power that far surpasses the crafty and devious schemes of darkness. The Lord God of Abrham, Isaac, and Jacob is his name and He has a secret weapon that can defeat the deadly scourge of hatred and carnage. LOVE. . .no not the kind you find on the front of a greeting card, not the flowery phrase that lacks power, this is ETERNITY-FORGED LOVE. Something that could not have been crafted except in the presence of God, for only He could birth diamond-sharp, laser-accurate, blindingly brilliant, intoxicatingly beautiful LOVE that causes every word or description to fail. This is LOVE ALIVE. Not an emotion or feeling this is a breathing, living LOVE. . .a person an unavoidable, unconquerable one.
JESUS. . .is the expression of this LOVE that we have most tangible. He brought all the mighty power of the God-head into time and space in the clothing of a man.
So, what does this divine invasion of 2000 years ago have to do with Al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, and every other violent purpose arrayed against God, goodness, and life on the earth?
Jesus did not remain a man. When He died and rose again He became available LOVE, POWERFUL EARTH-SHAKING LOVE became available to EVERYONE.
He said where two or more of His people come together that combined LOVE is a FULL RELEASE of His power. Worship the expression of our hearts corporately and individually unto God is that context that positions us to recieve and release the roaring, thundering, soothing, darkness-destroying LOVE of God. As love flows from His heart to us and back to Him in that transference a barrier-splitting, heart opening illumination occurs that fills the heavens and the earth where we lift up this offering.
And it is spreading all over the earth people who have come to know this awesome KING have begun to understand the POWER He wields in their midst. Though it is slow, it is coming. That REALIZATION in this dimension of the GLORY that exists in that heavenly one. And as HE comes, for truly He is that which comes, not HIS likeness, or imitation, HE, himself the one who formed all and can destroy all. The glorious, loving God. As He comes, terror, violence, and death pale. Oh they may make lots of noise and cause havoc here on planet earth for a little while, but they, even they will acknowledge His appearing. Not only on that final day, but on every day that the King's children allow Him to rule in and through them.
cuts deep into the heart of darkness and
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